14 thoughts on ““The Democratic Framework” by Steven Cahn

  1. In this story, Steven Cahn argues that our government only needs a certain educational system. To make an argument of his thought, he took details and quotes from Plato’s book, Republic. Then later in the story he asked” How can the member a democracy be provided with the necessary understanding and capability to reap the greatest possible benefits from the democratic process while at the same time protecting that process from who would see its destruction?” He answered by saying that now we know why in a democracy everybody’s education is a vital concern. He later states that vocational education should be liberalized and also said that we shouldn’t separate liberal and vocational education. He was siding with the liberal education but also saying vocational should also be involved.

  2. Cahn argues that our democratic form of government in this country requires a certain type of educational system. “Education is the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and values. But what knowledge, skills, and values ought to be acquired”, ” A democratic society is distinguished, moreover, by the quality of life inherent in its procedures.” Basically he is saying that he wants to clarify liberal education. Fundamental concepts & techniques of mathematics. “Another indispensable element of education for members of a democracy is a knowledge of human values.”

  3. The reading the democratic framework is talking about was mainly about how education is required. He also asks what would acquire skills and values. Then he states that learning depends more so on the learner than the teacher. Then he jumps down to a professor named Archie bunker he is really a one voter guy. Plato another professor also supports Archie he continues to construct a form of government based on public policy. He compared the working of a democratic society to the situation. Then they should make a case for democracy and find its weakness. Education should be a vital concern. I also like when he said a broad person has intellectual and sees both sides on an equal way. To sum up all my findings he described the liberal education and the strength of a liberal education.

  4. The short story democratic framework is about knowledge skills and values. It is also on what should be learned depending on the student. This short story also talks about two types of philosophy educational philosophy and politicos philosophy. As well as how estential criticize thinking is how today which is no very broad as humans now we only do the bare minimum. There are many critic issues discussed today such as developing new conflicts, proverty, population, Abd the possible benifites of spare research.

  5. Steven Cahn began by giving a defintion of education. It was explained as gaining knowledge, skills, and values. Cahn followed that by asking who should gain them, how should they be gained, and what knowledge, skills, and values should be acquired. In order to maintain the democracy, every citizen needs to be educated because our welfare depends on our neighbors. The example Cahn gave gave was of Archie Bunker and a professor of political science. Archie doesn’t know who’s running, but says it doesn’t matter because he has always voted for the same party. He also decides to vote against the bond issue because he always has. The professor has devoted his life to studying the American political system. He is probably familiar with the views of every candidate and has helped with the writing of the bond issue. Archie and the professor each get one vote. What happens when we have more Archies than professors or maybe more Archies than people who actually know what’s going on. The majority wins. Plato suggested we put public policy matters in the hands of experts. Based on history, however, this method can be very risky. Once you put power into the wrong hands, disastrous results occur that, if even possible, are hard to reverse. In a democracy, people can be voted out at some point.

  6. Education is knowledge, skills, and values. The student, for what is to be learned and how it is to be learned ultimately depend upon who is to do the learning. Here is where our educational philosophy rests on our political philosophy, for a commitment to the democratic system of government.Also essential is an understanding of issues. Some of the cricital issues confronting the world today:poverty,popoulation,pollution,ideological conflict, the dangers of nuclear warfare, and the poosible benefits of space research.

  7. This piece of writing definitely appealed to me in a sense that I am very aware that certain things mentioned are true. While reading, I noticed that a need for this commonwealth among American citizens was mentioned and critically stressed. Although many people are aware of the actual voting processes on election day, they rarely focus on those people filling out the ballots. The fate of this world simply depends on people’s opinions; whether it be based on political viewpoints, general likeness, or even superficial values, everybody has to make a contribution. Steven Cahn begins to look at a more negative side of democracy. You see, the human mind can get so caught up and enthralled into persuasion that eventually people become too easily convinced. This type of weakness leads to a shaky government; in turn, democracy is eliminated by tyranny. Cahn is trying to convince his readers to think both critically and idealistically to become more knowledeable of the world and all it has to offer.

  8. “Education is the acquisition of knowledge,skills,and values.”This is Steven Cahn’s definition of education in The Democratic Framework.In this piece,he talks about how in a democracy our well-being depends heavily upon others in our society.To solve medical or engineering problems,we seek expert judgement,not the uninformed opinion of the populace.Why then do we take the issue to all the people rather than to the specialists?”I think what he is trying to get at is that an essential part of building a effective democracy is having an education in the liberal arts and being able to think critically for the well-being of citizens in our nation.

  9. Cahn talks about how education consists of knowledge, skills, and values. The educational philosophy committed to the democratic system. Democracy is best represented on election day at the polling places. A democratic society is distinguished by the quality of inherent in its procedures. He also mentioned contents of Liberal Education.

  10. The Democratic Framework is an argument about our democratic form of government requiring a certian type of educational system. I figured this out by reading the ‘To Consider’ part on the first page. On the first three and a half pages he talk about the politiical arts that are involved in education. I figured this out by noticing the word political in every few paragraphs. In the last four and a half pages he talks about a liberal education. I figured this out by reading the bold print, The Content of a Liberal Education, on page 201.

  11. In this essay, Cahn explains that democracy is the best form of government- far better than that, say, of an oligarchy. Unlike an oligarchy, a democracy does not depend on the decisions of one group of people, rather the decisions of the majority. However, says Cahn, a democracy cannot survive in the hands of uninformed, uneducated voters. According to Cahn, education is defined by five major points: (1)voters should be able to read and write effectively, (2) voters should understand public issues, (3) voters should possess the power of critical thinking, (4) voters should have a sensitivity to aesthetic experience, and (5) a knowledge of human values. Later in the article the issue of blending occupational training education and liberal arts learning is suggested to better develop the citizens themselves, as well as our society as a whole. This is interesting because this the same issue brought up in our previous readings by Richard Freeland.

  12. this story is about education. it says and tells that education is the knowledge of skills and values. philosopher really only have or mainly 3 concerns. the are subject matter, the students and the instructional method. but the main one are the students.they feel they should do the learning. it says that a commitment to the democrats system of government implies a concern. it said competitive elections don’t like the fact that citizens have the right to vote.this story tells you need to know liberal arts.

  13. This story is about how you have intellectual people and you have lower intellectuals in government. It is argument based as if you have not gone to college to get a career then you should not be able to vote in the democracy that we live in. It brings in other governments that only the higher individual can vote and the common people have no say so in their government. So is being under educated bad for the government or is it essential for people to be educated to make the best vote. If you have the Liberal Arts will that help you make a better choice.

  14. Democratic frame work talks about how education is the acquisition of knowledge skills . The reading also says that Plato` s point of view that if it is a person`s job they should stick to it and nothing else . Also that a democratic society is distinguished, moreover by the quality of life inherent in it procedures.

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